Speaking part 3 seems much difficult for the students as far as the whole speaking module is concerned.However, by regular practice of different questions with proper answer this difficulty can be overcome.suppose you have been asked “Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.” topic in part 2 as a cue card then part 3 or follow up questions could be as below.
Follow up questions.
Do you think people today are conscious about their health? Why?
Yes, to some extent, people, nowadays, are conscious about their health. The reason is simple, we are being thwarted by diseases such as diabetes,arthritis,obesity in present era more frequently whose name have not been known to previous one or two generations.
Being healthy is the only solution to curb these kinds of diseases.So people have become more conscious about their health.
What do people normally do to keep themselves healthy in your hometown or country?
Well, it varies from person to person. Some people prefer running or jogging. Others opt for gym and do vigorous exercise. Still others who are interested in recent trend of yoga and calisthenics exercises.
Is it really important to exercise regularly to remain fit?
Certainly, exercise has got immense importance to remain fit. Extra fat can be reduced by regular exercise which gives body a perfect fitness. It also heightens mental alertness. Exercise which is done in the early morning gives pleasant mood the whole day.
What are other ways to get fit?
As far as the other ways are concerned, meditation is a good way to remain fit. In ancient time, Sages, in Hindu culture, used to exert meditation to keep body and soul fit.
In today’s era where people are having hectic schedule. Do you think people are able to get time for exercise?
Yes, it is extremely difficult for people to get time for exercise. However, people who are serious and know the positive impact of exercise steal time for exercise.