Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. IELTS Writing Task 2

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. IELTS Writing Task 2

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged.  Others believe that children who are taught to co- operate rather than compete become more useful adults.Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.

Sample answer:

In this highly competitive world, parents have a notion that children should develop a sense of competition. However, co-operation with the peers and colleagues is considered more crucial ability by opponents. In my views, both the skills are really necessary and it should be developed in the children in a correct manner.

To begin with, the sense of competition is necessary as every profession in the recent time is highly competitive. To achieve success in this modern world, a good competitive mindset is mandatory because without a winning mindset it will be impossible to become better than the peers. Everyone is competitive and focus on the individual success, therefore being co-operative around the people who are competitive is useless.

Moreover, the companies also seek for the employees who possess competitive spirit. Employees with such thinking are more hardworking and help the company to grow rapidly and there will be higher probability that employees of such company will have better performance compared to their competition. Additionally sports also require fighting and winning mindset, it is impossible to find a successful sports person without the competitive spirits. Such reasons encourage the children to develop the sense of competition.

On the other hand, co-operation is the only skills which are useful while working in a group. Once in a life time everybody has to work in a team at such time co-operation is really important for a productive team work. Wither it is business, job, art every profession require a team at some point, thought sportsmen have competitive spirit but they do require a good co-ordination with a follow teammates. A person with great co-operative skills can function much better than a person who just looks forward to competition.

Finally, after taking of the view in consideration we can conclude both the skills are essential. In my opinion a proper sense of competition should be encouraged in child and they should also be taught co-operative skills.